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Mobilní terminály

Mobilní terminály obecně ulehčují život všude tam, kde je potřeba práce s daty. Setkat se s nimi můžeme ve skladech, na příjmu a výdeji zboží, při mobilním prodeji, při inventurách, v logistických centrech i u přepravních služeb. CODEWARE Vám terminály nejen dodá, ale zabezpečí i jejich podporu. CODEWARE má tým IT techniků, který je schopen programovat terminály s různým typem operačního systému (Windows, Android...). Má také velký sklad náhradních dílů pro terminály různých výrobců a zabezpečuje záruční i pozáruční servis. Servisujeme i terminály dodávaných výrobců zakoupené u jiných prodejců.
Zebra MC2200/MC2700 moblie terminal with keyboard and touchscreen

Zebra MC2200/MC2700 moblie terminal with keyboard and touchscreen

When it comes to empowering workers in small and medium-sized businesses, the MC2200/MC2700 delivers ‘no compromise’ affordable mobility. Connect practically any worker, anywhere with the WiFi-only (MC2200) and WiFi/cellular data (MC2700) models. The touchscreen and keypad provide superior application flexibility. These lightweight devices offer unparalleled ergonomics that set the bar for comfort. The right level of ruggedness delivers dependable operation.
Zebra Mobile Computer MC9300

Zebra Mobile Computer MC9300

The ultimate ultra-rugged Zebra MC9300 — the next evolution of the world's best-selling and most trusted Android enterprise mobile computer. Your workers get the ultimate in simplicity with Android, an operating system your workers already know well, a larger advanced touch display and more. Handle all of your applications with the ultimate in processing power and memory, plus new data capture capabilities that include optional front and back cameras, extraordinary scan ranges The new battery runs twice as long as the MC9200 on a single charge. Get the ultimate in workforce productivity and operational efficiency in your organization with the ultra-rugged MC9300.
FINAL SALE CipherLab RK25: Mobile handheld computer with keyboard, Android

CipherLab RK25: Mobile handheld computer with keyboard, Android

The CipherLab RK25 is a rugged mobile computer that combines the advantages of a touchcomputer and a handheld terminal. With its variety of functions, the features of a handy pocket computer, high data capacity, longevity and wireless connectivity, Hot-swap (battery replacement during run), the solution combines the user-friendliness of a smart device with the usual keyboard typing behavior. Built for users in the retailing, light warehousing and field mobility industries, it fulfills the most diverse user behaviors in any environment with big volume data collection demands.