Birch PP7000 - upgrade pokladen na mSATA SSD diskKB0011
Postup jak nainstalovat do pokladen Birch PP7000 mSATA SSD disk.
The following steps are required to install an mSATA SSD:
- remove the rear aluminum body of the PC (4 screws)
- switch the PCIE/mSATA jumpers to position 2-3 (located on the MB above the mSATA slot)
- install the mSATA drive (similar to RAM) and snap in the plastic locks
- optionally remove the old HDD/SSD including the SATA cable
- reassemble the treasury, rear aluminium PC body (4 screws)
- Optionally for Windows 7, 8, 10 installation, set the BIOS settings from IDE to AHCI mode