Opticon OPN-2006 - připojení k mobilní tiskárně TSC Alpha-3RKB0042
Postup připojení BT čtečky Opticon OPN-2006 k mobilní tiskárně TSC Alpha-3R
The Opticon OPN-2006 wireless bluetooth reader (or the older OPN-2005 model) can be directly connected to the TSC Alpha-3R mobile printer.
The TSC Alpha-3R can be programmed to process and print the received codes.
The procedure for pairing the OPN-2006 with the TSC Alpha-3R:
1) setup SPP (Bluetooth virtual serial port) by loading the code into the OPN.
2) Getting the MAC address of the Bluetooth address of the TSC Alpha-3R mobile printer using the diagtool utility
3) Enter this number (BT MAC address) into the form at:
Tools > BlueTooth Address and generate the barcode
4) read the generated barcode with the mac address and then read the code with PIN setting 0000
5) The OPN-2006 reader should immediately pair with the TSC Alpha-3R mobile printer
Successful pairing is indicated by the blue LED on the printer lighting up.
Applies to:
- Alpha-3R Mobile Bar Code Printer, 203 dpi, 4 ips, Bluetooth (TSC-ALPHA-3RB)
- Alpha-4L Mobile Bar Code Printer, linerless, 203 dpi, 4 ips, USB+Bluetooth (TSC-ALPHA-4L)
- Alpha-4L Mobile Bar Code Printer, linerless, 203 dpi, 4 ips, USB+Bluetooth, LCD (TSC-ALPHA-4LL)
- Alpha-4L Mobile Bar Code Printer, linerless, 203 dpi, 4 ips, USB+WiFi (TSC-ALPHA-4LW)
- Alpha-4L Mobile Bar Code Printer, linerless, 203 dpi, 4 ips, USB+WiFi, LCD (TSC-ALPHA-4LWL)
- OPN-2006, Laser data collector, Bluetooth (OPN-2006)
- Alpha-3R Mobile Bar Code Printer, 203 dpi, 4 ips, Bluetooth, with RTC (TSC-ALPHA-3RB-RTC)